Sunday, 30 November 2014

Different methods to advertise a default route in BGP Part 3:

In this post, we’ll go through the 3rd method to advertise a default route in BGP.

I’ve removed the neighbour x.x.x.x default-originate command.

3rd method: Using default-information originate command (after redistributing the static route in BGP)

I’ll first create a default static route.

Above is the output from R1s routing table confirming that there is a static default route entry.

Now, I’ll redistribute this static route into BGP.


Different methods to advertise a default route in BGP Part 2:

Now let's go through the 2nd method to advertise a default route in BGP.

Method 2: Using default-originate command in the neighbor statement

I’ve removed the default static route from R1 which removes the default route on R2 and R3 dynamically.